Clearly I have had some time on my hands of late! Come late December all the factories empty out and all the sanders and glassers do a runner, so it is a good time to settle and do some thinking on the design side. I still have not gotten over the success of the more parallel plan shape theory and new designs like my Stinger model that is getting rave reviews. So I guess I am not entirely finished with the concept. Years back I designed a board with the flyer up front in order to get area forward, but not at the very tip. The thinking there was a paddle concept, since we all know the more area you have forward the better the board will paddle and the flyer was there to suddenly reduce the area at the end so it did not feel too front heavy.
Likewise with the flyer at the rear doing the same thing – reducing the tail area as to take pressure off the fins. Wind the clock forward 8 years and I have realized this same design had also achieved a more parallel rail and that is why I understand now primarily why it went so friken fast- and I just thought it was the quads! I named it the Nob then, and the same now, as it did resemble something phallic at the time and now circumcision is back in vogue perhaps even more with this 2016 version. But there is a little bit more going on with this latest Nob besides just the plan shape. To offset theoretically a stiff plan shape, I have incorporated a rolled bottom running up to a soft mid rail. This is not a popular bottom shape as most shapers have been brain washed by the benefits of concaves which are not all that easy to ride particularly on flatter rockers. The rail to rail ease of this bottom is instantly noticeable when you first do your rail to rail thing. Very forgiving and this was the bottom and rail of choice back in the day when rockers were like ironing boards. To add a little more lift into this bottom I have inserted a deep double concave right through the guts and fading out a foot from either end. From this inclusion you get the best of both i.e. the forgiveness rail to rail and the lift and extra speed from the double concaves.
Since this design is meant to be one out of the box…there is MORE ! I have included a mix of the 2 +2 quad fin concept proved successful on the Frieken Flyer and Stinger models ,where the quad fin positions are placed where the bigger fins are placed at the rear and the smaller ones forward. In addition I have also incorporated the Thruster Mimic principle where the quad trailors are set parallel and much closer into the stringer and a little further up than standard trailor positions. This inclusion gives the board more pivot but still retains the cling of a quad.
So there is a lot going on with the Nob that will have your head spinning for 6 months, if not longer, and I am sure this design will appeal only to those who are attracted to the left of centre. As I said this is a design for my “One out of the Box “ so it is not aimed at a wide market, but is merely a result from a thought bubble that may have interest from those who dodge the norm.
I will not give a breakdown of dimensions as this is a one off and will need to be customized for those who are interested.