Now 30 years later Murray Bourton has released Bourton Shapes, as a re-invention of Pipedream. Bourton Shapes are top end, high performance surfboards .There are also a great range of Pipedream Retro boards on offer, that are exact replicas of models that Murray Bourton used to shape back in the 70’s and 80’s.
His versatility from Indo guns to tow boards ridden by Tony Ray and Ross Clarke Jones and his cutting edge contest boards ridden by the hot young guns Troy Brooks, Luke Munro, Ry Craike and Lee Wilson, leave no questions asked of Murray Bourton’s commitment to modern short board design. A point worth mentioning is Murray’s with whiz kid Jack Freestone who is 42 years younger illustrating that when it comes to keeping ace with each new generation Murray’s design language transcends the gap.
In recent years due to Murray’s embracement of the computer shaping programs his passion to innovate has soared, drawing from past and present his new hybrid designs have inspired many who have lost patience with the thrusters status quo. Due to their paddle friendly nature Murray even at his age will test ride most of these designs to be sure they are on track.
Perhaps Bourtons strongest asset is his custom communicative skills, having worked in his own shops the last 35 years he is under no illusion what a real surfer wants and needs. This asset has been bolstered of late with his mastering of the internet custom ordering process.
Many customers who make enquires about his models are surprised when all of a sudden they are on line talking technical with 40 years of hydrodynamics. Murray treats on line the same as he does a customer on the floor of our hardware shops.
This is not an impersonation of Rodin’s “The Thinker” but simply me trying to think of some new wacky design that works…it’s hard work! I do have one coming though and it will twist minds…
Just you wait…..